A screw conveyor or auger conveyor is a mechanism that uses a rotating helical screw blade, called a "flighting", usually within a tube, to move liquid or granular materials. They are used in many bulk handling industries. Screw conveyors in modern industry are often used horizontally or at a slight incline as an efficient way to move semi-solid materials, including food waste, wood chips, aggregates, cereal grains, animal feed, boiler ash, meat and bone meal, municipal solid waste, and many others. The first type of screw conveyor was the Archimedes' screw, used since ancient times to pump irrigation water[1]

STANDARD SECTIONALSCREW: Most common. Used to convey a wide variety of products.

RIBBON FLIGHT SCREW: Used for conveying sticky, gummy or viscous substances, or where the material tends to stick to the flighting at the pipe. Available in integral style (as shown) or post style ribbon.

CUT FLIGHT SCREW: Used for conveying light, fine, granular or flaky materials.  Also used for mixing material in transit or for removing grit and dirt from the grain, cottonseed, etc.

CUT AND FOLDED FLIGHT SCREW: Used to create a lifting motion with the material that promotes agitation and aeration while mixing.

SECTIONAL FLIGHT SCREW WITH PADDLES: Used to mix material while being conveyed. Paddles may be fixed (welded in place) or adjustable pitch (bolt mounted, to provide different degrees of mixing).

PADDLE SCREW: Used for complete mixing or stirring material. Paddles may be fixed (welded in place) or adjustable pitch (bolt mounted, to provide variable degrees of mixing).

SHORT PITCH SCREW: Used primarily in incline or hopper fed applications where the pitch is less than the diameter of the screw.

INTERRUPTED FLIGHT SCREW: As with a “ribbon screw”, used for conveying sticky, gummy or viscous substances, or where the material tends to stick to the flighting at the pipe; but offers better throughput and flow consistency than a ribbon screw.

CONE SCREW: Used to provide better “mass flow” (uniform discharge) from a hopper or bin above than screws with variable pitch alone.

 SHAFTLESS SCREW: Similar to ribbon screws, used for conveying sticky, gummy or viscous substances, or where the material tends to stick to the flighting at the pipe. Also used with stringy products that would typically wrap around the screw pipe.

PRESS SCREW: Typically surrounded by screens and used to press moisture from various products

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