PERJALANAN BADMINTON INDONESIA 1962-2018: BWF World Championships, Olimpiade dan Asian Games

Usai sudah Badminton di ajang Asian Games 2018. Indonesia sebagai tuan rumah memperoleh hasil yang sangat memuaskan khusunya tim bulu tangkis putra.

Di katagori tunggal putra, Jonatan Christie - memperoleh medali emas - mampu mengalahkan Chou Tien-chen dari taiwan dengan tiga set pertandingan. Chou Tien-chen mampu mengalahkan Jonatan Christie di set kedua dengan susah payah yaitu 20-22. Namun Jonatan Christie mampu membalikan keadaan di set ketiga dengan kemenangan 21-15.

Sedangkan di ganda putra, Indonesia mampu menempatkan kedua pebulutangkisnya di final (All Indonesian Finals). Mereka adalah Marcus Fernaldi Gideon berpasangan dengan Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo dan Fajar Alfian berpasangan dengan Muhammad Rian Ardianto. Marcus Fernaldi Gideon dan Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo mampu mengguli pasangan Indonesia Fajar Alfian dan Muhammad Rian Ardianto dengan kemenangan dramatis di set ketiga 24-22.

Dari hasil ini Indonesia mampu mengumpulkan dua emas Badminton di ajang Asian Games 2018 Jakarta-Palembang. Indonesia juga memperoleh dua medali perak di katagori ganda dan beregu putra juga empat medali perunggu yang diperoleh oleh tunggal putra, ganda putri, beregu putri dan ganda campuran.

Jika melihat ke belakang sejak tahun 1962 sampai tahun ini, 2018 perjalanan badminton Indonesia naik-turun.

Berikut data yang sudah terangkum dalam bentu grafis berdasarkan tahun dan medali yang diperoleh Badminton Indonesia.



Julukan Negeri Seribut Bukit sudah sangat melekat untuk sebuah daerah di salah satu Kabupaten yang ada di Wilayah Aceh ini, yaitu Kabuten Gayo Lues.

Tidak salah daerah ini dijuluki dengan istilah Seribu Bukit karena memang hampir diseluruh tempat di daerah ini berbukit-bukit dan di kelilingi dengan gunung-gunung

Secara geografis daerah ini terletak di ketinggian 400 sampai 1200 meter di atas permukaan laut [1]. Kawsan ini sangaat sejuk baik di malam dan pagi hari ataupun di siang harinya.

Sumber Gambar: Google Map

Suku Gayo adalah suku daerah ini. Walaupun daerah ini berada di wilayah Aceh, namun suku Aceh dan Gayo memiliki perbedaan baik secara bahasa dan adat istiadat.

Tari Saman
Jika tari saman Aceh dilakukan oleh wanita [2], maka tari saman Gayo dilakukan oleh Laki-laki.

Sumber: Youtube

Wisata Kedah
Kedah merupakan salah satu desa yang terletak disalah satu kecamatan yang ada di Gayo Lues.
Tidak terlalu jauh dari kota kecamatannya, Kuta Panjang, lokasi wisata Kedah dapat dicapai menggunakan sepeda motor dan mobil atau kendaraan pribadi. Jalanan yang menanjak yang memang lokasinya berada di ketinggian.

Ketika sampai di lokasi wisata tersebut hamparan pohon pinus adalah hal yang biasa anda jumpai di lokasi ini. Rimbun dan sejuk serta nyaman bisa anda rasakan di lokasi wisata Kedah.

Sumber Gambar: Adwin Maulana

Hutan dan sungai masih alami yang dipertahankan oleh warga sekitar untuk kelestarian lingkungan. destinasi ini wajib anda jumpai. Wisata Kedah Ini juga sebagai titik awal atau 'pintu' untuk menuju ke puncak gunung Leuser

Sumber Gambar:

Sumber Gambar:

Gunung Leuser
Secara administrasi Taman Wisata Gunung Leuser ini terbagi di dua Wilayah yaitu Aceh dan Sumatra Utara. Sebagian Taman Wisata Gunung Leuser ini terletak di daerah Gayo Lues

Sumber Gambar: Leuser Lestari

Sumber Gambar: Leuser Lestari

Bagi anda para Pendaki Gunung, Gunung Leuser adalah salah tempat yang harus anda kunjungi jika melakukan visit ke Gayo Lues.

Menariknya, pemandu wisata yang terkenal sejak dulu untuk pendakian gunung ini adalah Mr. Rajali.
Sudah sejak tahun 1981 Mr. Rajali menjadi pemandu wisata bagi pendaki pecinta alam ataupun pendaki untuk penelitian.

Sumber Gambar: Fitri Juliana
’’Lauser itu nafas dan nadi saya, jadi tidak ada yang bisa melarang dan memecat saya kecuali Tuhan,’’ _Mr. Rajali
Mengambil titik Start di Desa Kedah, Blang jerango, Mr. Rajali akan memandu setiap wisatawan untuk mandaki Gunung Leuser.
Sumber Gambar: Supri Ariu

Air Terjun Dan Kolam Air Biru
Terletak di salah satu kecamatan di Gayo Lues, desa Rerebe, Air Terjun dan Kolam Air Biru adalah  salah satu tempat lagi yang wajib anda kunjungi bagi anda para wisatawan.

Sumber Gambar: Yuzar Alamsyah Usman

Destinasi ini akan manyuguhkan tiga objek wisata sekaligus yaitu dua air terjun dengan tempat yang terpisah yang tidak terlalu jauh dan kolam air biru.

Air terjun pertama akan mulai kelihatan saat anda mulai memasuki desa Rerebe ini. Dan, air terjun kedua sekaligus sumber air dari kolam air biru.

Sumber Gambar: Susi Susanti
Acara Si Bolang Trans7, Episode Berpetualang di Bumi Gayo Lues berlokasi di Air Terjun Rerebe.
Puncak Genting Pining
Di lokasi Puncak Genting Pining ini ada dua hal yang anda dapat nikmati di sana yang biasa dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang berkunjung ke lokasi ini, secangkir kopi dan landscape.

Mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi bagi anda tentang cita rasa dari Kopi Gayo. Di lokasi tersebut tersedia tongkrongan bagi anda penikmat kopi segakaligus dapat menikmati sejuknya udara ditambah dengan landscape yang disuguhkan begitu luar biasa indah oleh Sang Pencipta.

Kopi yang ditawarkan juga diolah secara tradisional oleh penjual yang dipetik langsung dari kebun sendiri. Tak kelewatan juga Kopi Luwak (kopi hasil pencernaan luwak) yang manjadi menu kopi andalan di lokasi ini.
Sumber Gambar: Andrenov

Kopi Gayo
Pada tanggal 9 - 10 Oktober 2010, Kopi Gayo oleh Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia (SCAI) pada acara International Conference on Coffee Science menominasikannya sebagai The Best No. 1 [3]. Dan, di tahun 2018 ini, harga jual Kopi Gayo naik ke level tertinggi di pasar international. Menurut informasi yang dihimpun dari SerambiNews harga kopi Ready Export atau Grade I mencapai harga 7.5 USD /kg [4].

Cita rasa dan aroma yang khas dari Kopi Gayo dapat anda temukan di daerah Gayo Lues ini. Juga, Kopi Gayo ini sudah menjadi komoditi untuk dearah Gayo Lues. Anda akan menjumpai Kopi yang dipanen dan diolah secara tradisional oleh petani kopi.

Pesona Negeri Seribu Bukit di atas hanya sebagian kecil dari pesona-pesona yang ada di daerah tersebut. Seperti kebiasaan, adat istiadat, wisata dan lain-lain yang menarik yang akan anda jumpai ketika berkunjung ke sana dan tentunya menambah wawasan anda tentang alam Indonesia ini yang begitu beragam.

Semoga bermanfaat


Asian Games adalah kompetisi olahraga terbesar se-Asia. Asian Games pertama dimulai pada tanggal 4 s.d. 11 Maret 1951 di New Delhi, India. Sejak saat itu pula Indonsia sebagai negara yang tergabung di Benua Asia juga ikut berpartisipasi di ajang ini.

Asian Games secara periodik dilakukan setiap empat tahun sekali. Dari tahun 1951 hingga sekarang tahun 2018, sudah 18 kali ajang ini diselenggarakan dan Indonesia sudah 2 kali menjadi tuan rumah yaitu pada tahun 1962 dan sekarang tahun 2018.

Sejak Asian Games ini diselenggarakan, Jepang dan China adalah negara yang mendominasi peringkat pertama untuk perolehan medali. Indonesia sebagai partisipan untuk ajang ini belum pernah sekalipun mendapat peringkat pertama.

Berikut Infografis perolehan medali yang diperoleh indonesia di ajang Asian Games

Di tahun 2018 ini Perolehan Update medali indonesia sebagai tuan rumah Asian Games dapat dilihat di Medali Asian Games 2018 atau Medali Indonsia Asian Games 2018

Semoga Bermanfaat.

  1. Wikipedia
  2. (22-Aug-2018)
  3. (22-Aug-2018)
  4. (22-Aug-2018)
  5. (22-Aug-2018)
  6. (22-Aug-2018)
  7. (22-Aug-2018)
  8. (22-Aug-2018)


Many of the individual tasks within the overall design process can be performed using a computer. As each of these tasks is made more efficient, the efficiency of the overall process increases as well. The computer is especially well suited to design in four areas, which correspond to the latter four stages of the general design process (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 Application of computers to the design process.

Computers function in the design process through geometric modeling capabilities, engineering analysis calculations, automated evaluative procedures, and automated drafting.

Geometric Modeling
Geometricmodeling is one of the keystones of CAD systems. It usesmathematical descriptions of geometric elements to facilitate the representation and manipulation of graphical images on a computer display screen. While the computer central processing unit (CPU) and the graphics processing unit (GPU) provide the ability to quickly make the calculations specific to the element, the software provides the instructions necessary for efficient transfer of information between the user and the CPU and the GPU.

Three types of commands are used by the designer in computerized geometric modeling:
1. Input commands allow the user to input the variables needed by the computer to represent basic geometric elements such as points, lines, arcs, circles, splines, and ellipses.
2. Transformation commands are used to transform these elements. Commonly performed transformations in CAD include scaling, rotation, and translation.
3. Solid commands allow the various elements previously created by the first two commands to be joined into a desired shape.

During the entire geometric modeling process, mathematical operations are at work which can be easily stored as computerized data and retrieved as needed for review, analysis, andmodification. There are different ways of displaying the same data on the computer monitor, depending on the needs or preferences of the designer.

One method is to display the design as a two-dimensional (2D) representation of a flat object formed by interconnecting lines.

Another method displays the design as a three-dimensional (3D) representation of objects. In 3D representations, there are four types of modeling approaches:

Wire frame modeling
Surface modeling
Solid modeling
Hybrid solid modeling

Wire Frame Model
A wire frame model is a skeletal description of a 3D object. It consists only of points, lines, and curves that describe the boundaries of the object. There are no surfaces in a wire frame model. 3D wire frame representations can cause the viewer some confusion because all of the lines defining the object appear on the 2D display screen. This makes it hard for the viewer to tell whether the model is being viewed from above or below, from inside the object or looking from outside.

Surface modeling defines not only the edge of the 3D object but also its surface. Two different types of surfaces can be generated: faceted surfaces using a polygon mesh and true curve surfaces.

A polygonal mesh is a surface approximated by polygons such as squares, rectangles, and hexagons. The surface is created as if a mosaic of fine polygons. Depending on the detail required by the designer, very fine surfaces cannot be created this way. Instead, polygonal meshes allow for faster rendering of shapes, as opposed to using curves.

The nonuniform rational basis spline (NURBS) is a B-spline curve or surface defined by a series of weighted control points and one or more knot vectors. It can exactly represent a wide range of curves such as arcs and conics. The greater flexibility for controlling continuity is one advantage of NURBS. NURBS can precisely model nearly all kinds of surfaces more robustly than the polynomial-based curves that were used in earlier surface models. Surface modeling is more sophisticated than wire frame modeling. Here, the computer still defines the object in terms of a wire frame but generates a surface “skin” to cover the frame, thus giving the illusion of a “real” object. However, because the computer has the image stored in its data as a wire frame representation having no mass, physical properties cannot be calculated directly from the image data. Surface models are very advantageous due to point-to-point data collections usually required for numerical control (NC) programs in computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) applications. Most surface modeling systems also produce the stereolithographic data required for rapid prototyping systems.

Solid Modeling
Solid modeling defines the surfaces of an object, with the added attributes of volume and mass. This allows data to be used in calculating the physical properties of the final product. Solid modeling software uses one of two methods to represent solid objects in a computer: constructive solid geometry (CSG) or boundary representation (B-rep).

The CSG method uses Boolean operations such as union, subtraction, and intersection on two sets of objects to define composite solid models. For example, to create a hole in a cube, a small cylinder can be subtracted from a large cube. See Fig. 2.

B-rep is a representation of a solid model that defines an object in terms of its surface boundaries: faces, edges, and vertices. In the case of the cube with a hole, a square surface could be created with a hole (as two mirrored surfaces) and then extruded to create the model. See Fig. 3.

Hybrid Solid Modeling
Hybrid solid modeling allows the user to represent a part with a mixture of wire frame, surface modeling, and solid geometry. The Siemens product lifecycle management (PLM) program offers this representation feature.

Figure 2 Solid subtraction.

Figure 3 Surface solid subtraction.

Figure 4 Wire frame model.

Figure 5 Wire frame model with hidden lines removed.
In CAD software, certain features have been developed to minimize the ambiguity of wire frame representations (Fig. 4). These features include using dashed lines to represent the background of a view or removing those background lines altogether (Fig. 5). The latter method is appropriately referred to as “hidden-line removal.” The hidden-line removal feature makes it easier to visualize the model because the back faces are not displayed. Shading removes hidden lines and assigns flat colors to visible surfaces. Rendering is the process by which light is added and adjusted and textures are applied to the surfaces in order to produce realistic effects. Shading and rendering can greatly enhance the realism of the 3D image.

Engineering analysis can be performed using one of two approaches: analytical or experimental. Using the analytical method, the design is subjected to simulated conditions using any number of analytical formulas. By contrast, the experimental approach to analysis requires that a prototype be constructed and subsequently subjected to various experiments to yield data that might not be available through purely analytical methods.

There are various analytical methods available to the designer using a CAD system, such as finite-element analysis (FEA), static and dynamic analysis, and kinematic analysis.

Finite-Element Analysis
Finite-element analysis is a computer numerical analysis program used to solve complex problems in many engineering and scientific fields, such as structural analysis as it relates to stress, deflection, vibration, thermal analysis (steady state and transient), and fluid dynamics analysis (laminar and turbulent flow).

The finite-element method (FEM) divides a given physical or mathematical model into smaller and simpler elements, performs analysis on each individual element using required mathematics, and then assembles the individual solutions of the elements to reach a global solution for the model. FEA software programs usually consist of three parts: the preprocessor, the solver, and the postprocessor.

The program inputs are prepared in the preprocessor. Model geometry can be defined or imported from CAD software. Meshes are generated on a surface or solid model to form the elements. Element properties and material descriptions can be assigned to the model. Finally, the boundary conditions and loads are applied to the elements and their nodes. Certain checks must be completed before analysis solving is executed. These include checking for duplication of nodes and elements and verifying the element connectivity of the surface elements so that the surface normals are all in the same direction. In order to optimize disk space and running time, the nodes and elements should usually be renumbered and sequenced.

Many analysis options are available in the analysis solver to execute the model. The element stiffness matrices can be formulated and solved to form a global stiffness value for the model solution. The results of the analysis data are then interpreted by the postprocessor. The postprocessor in most FEA applications offers graphical output and animation displays. Vendors of CAD software are developing pre- and postprocessors that allow the user to graphically visualize their input and output. FEA is a powerful tool in effectively developing a design to
achieve a superior product.

Kinematic Analysis and Synthesis
Kinematic analysis and synthesis allow for the study of the motion or position of a set of rigid bodies in a system without reference to the forces causing that motion or the mass of the bodies. It allows engineers to see how the mechanisms they design will function and interact in motion. This kinematic modeler enables the designer to avoid a faulty design and to apply a variety of scenarios to the model without constructing a physical prototype. A superior design may be developed after analyzing the data extracted from kinematic analysis after numerous motion iterations. The behavior of the resulting model mechanism may be understood prior to production.

Static Analysis
Static analysis determines reaction forces at the joint positions of resting mechanisms when a constant load is applied. As long as zero or constant velocity of the entire system under study is assumed, static analysis can also be performed on mechanisms at different points of their range of motion. Static analysis allows the designer to determine the reaction forces on mechanical systems as well as interconnection forces transmitted to individual joints. Data extracted from static analysis can be useful in determining compatibility with the various criteria set out in the problem definition. These criteria may include reliability, fatigue, and performance considerations to be analyzed through stress analysis methods.

Dynamic Analysis
Dynamic analysis combines motion with forces in a mechanical system to calculate positions, velocities, accelerations, and reaction forces on parts in the system. The analysis is performed stepwise within a given interval of time. Each degree of freedom is associated with a specific coordinate for which initial position and velocity must be supplied. Defining the system in various ways creates the computer model from which the design is analyzed. The user must supply joints, forces, and overall system coordination either directly or through a manipulation of data within the software.

Experimental Analysis
Experimental analysis involves fabricating a prototype and subjecting it to various experimental methods.Although this usually takes place in the later stages of design,CADsystems enable the designer to make more effective use of experimental data, especially where analytical methods are thought to be unreliable for the given model. CAD also provides the platform for incorporating experimental results into the design process.

Design review can be easily accomplished using CAD. The accuracy of the design can be checked using automated routines for tolerancing and dimensioning to reduce the possibility of error. Layering is a technique that allows the designer to superimpose images on one another. This can be quite useful during the evaluative stage of the design process by allowing the designer to visually check the dimensions of a final design against the dimensions of stages of the design’s proposed manufacture, ensuring that sufficient material is present in preliminary stages for correct manufacture. Interference checking can also be performed using CAD. This procedure checks the models and identifies when two parts of a design occupy the same space at the same time.

Automated Drafting
Automated drafting capabilities in CAD systems facilitate presentation, which is the final stage of the design process. CAD data, stored in computer memory, can be sent to a plotter or other hard-copy device to produce a detailed drawing printout. In the early days of CAD, this feature was the primary rationale for investing in a CAD system. Drafting conventions, including but not limited to dimensioning, crosshatching, scaling of the design, and enlarged views of parts or other design areas, can be included automatically in nearly all CAD systems. Detail and assembly drawings, bills of materials (BOM), and cross-sectioned views of design parts are also automated and simplified through CAD parts databases. In addition, most systems are capable of presenting as many as six views of the design automatically (front, side left, side right, top, bottom, rear). Drafting standards defined by a company can be programmed into the system such that all final drafts will comply with the company standards.

Product Data Management
Product data management (PDM) is an important application associated with CAD. PDM allows companies to make CAD data available across the enterprise on computer networks. For example, PDMsoftware may operate in conjunction with CAD software and word processing software. This approach holds significant advantages over conventional data management. PDM is not simply a database holding CAD data as a library for interested users. PDM systems offer increased data management efficiency, for example, through a client-server environment. Benefits of implementing a PDM system include faster retrieval of CAD files through keyword searches and other search features such as model parameters like color or serial number, automated distribution of designs to management,manufacturing engineers, and shop-floor workers for design review, record-keeping functions that provide a history of design changes, and data security functions limiting access levels to design files. PDM facilitates the exchange of information characteristic of the agile workplace. As companies face increased pressure to provide clients with customized solutions to their individual needs, PDM systems allow an augmented level of teamwork among personnel at all levels of product design and manufacturing, cutting down on costs often associated with information lag and rework.

Although CAD has made the design process less tedious andmore efficient than traditional methods, the fundamental design process remains unchanged. It still requires the human input and ingenuity to initiate and proceed through the many iterations of the design process. CAD is a powerful, time-saving design tool that competing in the engineering world without it is difficult if not impossible. The CAD system will now be examined in terms of its components: the hardware and software of a computer.

Mechanical Engineers’ Handbook, Volume 2: Design, Instrumentation, and Controls

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